Small Claim Filings

Small Claim Court is available to individuals and businesses of any size who have unsettled disputes. We assist in preparing, filing and serving your small claim documents for you with our easy E-File system. We take pride in processing thousands of successful claims in a professional and timely manner! SC Filings also assists with judgement collection services for individuals who have received a judgement but were unable to collect their money!

Turn Your Disputes Into Dollars Today!

  • Prepare All Necessary Documents-Properly
  • File All Documents In Proper Courthouse
  • Serve Your Defendant(s) In A Timely Manner
  • Court Date Continuance – Evidence Packets
  • Judgement Collections
Get Contacted By A Small Claim Specialist Today!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do I need an attorney for small claims court?

    No, you are not allowed to have an attorney represent you in your claim. In small claims court, the rules are simplified and the hearing is informal.

    Does the court provide an interpreter?

    Yes, if you need an interpreter to assist in your small claim hearing, there is proper documentation that we can prepare and file in order for an interpreter to assist you.

    Will my filing costs be recovered in the claim?

    Yes, If you are the plaintiff and you win your small claim case, your filing and process serving fees will be the defendants responsibility to pay.
